March 20
Romania is targeted by one of the most popular mobile phones manufacturer Nokia which intends to make an investment that could exceed 200 million euros, ACT Media news agency reports.
Company’s officials said they consider building a plant for manufacturing mobile phones, daily Ziarul Financiar reported. Besides Romania, on the “short list” of the mobile phones producer another country is included, and the final decision on the location of the new Nokia factory will be made next month.
The Finnish group has two investment options: either they come alone, in which case they need a 10-hectare plot for an investment of several tens of millions of euros, or they bring sub-suppliers, which will rise the investment to over 200 million euros.
March 19
In Romanian language there is a saying: “Mare e gradina ta Doamne, si multi au sarit gardu”.
This could be approximately translated in English as: “Big is the garden of God, but lots of fool people managed to escape” 😉
Here we go:

Girls & Corpses is sort of like Maxim Magazine meets Dawn Of The Dead. Every month this online magazine has new pictures of beautiful scantily clad young beauties posing with hideous, decaying, festering corpses, interviews, comics, sex tips, music and movie reviews.
What else could be telling? Oh, of course: Support your local corpses !!! 😉
March 18

Bizarre and disturbing work… cool and hot in a weird sort of way… Old, decrepit hotel rooms and run-down buildings… Fantasies from the sexual subconscious… Loss, loneliness, and pain… Power, pride, and will…
… American photographer Aaron Hawks.
March 18

Devil’s Web Gallery is an exhibit of adult and exploitation movie posters from the 1960s and the early 1970s.
The owners of this collection, Donna and Randy Reeves, have been collecting vintage movie posters for twenty years. The 29 posters presented on site represent their best pieces from the sexploitation genre.
March 18

The Grocery Bag & Panties Series of pictures by dklo is a homage to the cheesecake illustrations of Art Frahm.
To be more perfect the panties had to be pink, the food packages had to be celery, (well, some of them are) and the models had to be dressed as classic pin-ups.
Check out the 29 pictures. They are very good. Aaah… and a little piece of advice for ladies: If you are using an old fashioned pink panty don’t buy celery 😉