August 24

This is one of the greatest ads I’ve ever seen. The ad was created by an agency in Brazil, called Neogama (BBH Brasil), and they did a wonderfull job.
With just a few simple squiggles of a black pen on white paper, it effectively illustrates the message 😉
August 21
On August 20, 2006, Cleopatra Stratan, this amazing 3-year-old girl had her first concert (20+ songs) and she’s about to get into Guinness Book as the youngest artist to record an album and have a live concert.

Cleopatra started her first concert saying: “My name is Cleopatra Stratan and even though I am only three years old I am determined to sing you both songs from my album called “La varsta de trei ani” and from my father album called “Amintiri din copilarie”. I will make my debut with this evening.”
August 9
Check this out! I totally love this little girl!!!
Later update: English version here
See post “Cleopatra Stratan’s first concert“
August 9
Spencer Tunick does it again! On Sunday, August 6th, 2006, the internationally renowned installation artist, created a 3D body sculpture involving a hitherto unknow amount of nude people in Dusseldorf, Germany.

See also