January 8

Hi everybody! After 8 months and 11 days or let say after 36 weeks / 255 days / 6.120 hours / 367.200 minutes or 22.032.000 seconds, I’m back with a new post!
I wanted to wish you all a very happy new year and the best for 2008 and to announce you that very soon I will release new versions for my WordPress free themes: Falling Dreams and Mental Disorder.
Also this website will be re-launched very, very soon so… stay close!
May 2
I’m proud to announce you the release of a new Falling Dreams theme version.
The version 2.0 repairs lots of bugs and missing strings from the original version and it’s an intermediary version to the final release – an Ajax based theme with many new improvements and features.
Till than update your blog theme and keep me in touch with your requests and feedback. From now one the older versions will be no more supported. You can grab the new version here.
Also you can check the WordPress 2.0 Theme Competition website where booth Mental Disorder and Falling Dreams themes are put in the competition.
March 3
Mental Disorder is a free WordPress 2.0 theme created for the 2006 WordPress 2.0 Theme Design Competition.
The theme is released under the GPL License. Feel free to download and use it, but please do not remove any credit notes.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

March 3
Falling Dreams is my first free theme for WordPress. I created this theme for the 2005 Alex King Themes Competition and I tweaked and modified for the 2006 WordPress 2.0 Theme Design Competition.
Falling Dreams is released under the GPL License. Feel free to download and use it, but please do not remove any credit notes.
Falling Dreams interpretation
If you ever wonder what his mean: check it here.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.